What we do

Everything that a growth company needs to continue to grow and challenge – quite simply, to continue to be a Challenger.

What we do

Our services

Leadership training

Training in how leaders can steer with attitudes towards a common WHERE.

Challenger guidance

Coaching based on the big picture – with an emphasis on a strong culture, leadership and implementation capability.

Challenger Culture

Developing the attitudes that will steer you on the right course and create your Challenger culture.

Everyday innovation

Create a loop system that helps you share knowledge and exploit innovation – on an everyday basis.

Challenger training

Training to get your entire management group acting like Challengers and looking at the company as a whole.

Recruiting to a Challenger

Training in how to recruit candidates who will breathe your culture and act according to your attitudes.


Learn about the various aspects of the Challenger concept, for inspiration or to begin your company’s journey of change.

Ambassador Program

Program to enlist the aid of internal ambassadors in bringing your culture to life throughout the organization.


We become a part of your organisation temporarily.

Contact us

We look at your situation in more detail

Are you looking to grow and challenge? If so, we are your growth partner – get help with your corporate culture.

Get in touch with us

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